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anda SEMUA:)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

i'll be

tak boleh tidur.aihh..jarang aku macam nie..mungkin effect nescafe tadi..tapi...tapi...tak mungkin lahh.mungkin dah terlebih tidur kot.semalam tidur awal tapi bangun lambat jugak >,< itulah aku.bab tidur,aku memang juara.hikhik.nie dah kira buang tabiat jugaklah merajinkan diri mengupdate blog..tapi ade aku kesah?tangan aku kott yang taip =,=

disebabkan takde ape yang menarik pun aku nak mengomel.jadi,aku cuma nak post lagu je.tadi masa aku dok bertungkus lumus study Principle of Chemical Processes(PCP) *subjek paling payah nk sebut untuk mengharungi kuiz keesokkan hari,aku pun layan laa lagu-lagu dalam laptop aku nie..almaklum laaa,aku lebih suka dengar radio,maka aku kurang dengar lagu dalam lappy ni,dan sekali lagi aku pun buang tabiat aktifkan playlists.dan dan aku terdengar satu lagu nie..used to be my favourite zaman dulu-dulu.zaman baru nak berkembang *bukan badan yg berkembang .zaman baru nak kenal dunia.

aku malas nak upload vid dari youtube,broadband bukan kuat sangat.lemah macam tuan die jugak.,=.='
so,aku bagi lirik jelahh ye.senang sikit kerja. :)

ouh,tajuk die.. I'LL BE by EDWIN MCCAIN

The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath.
And emeralds from mountains thrust towards the sky
Never revealing their depth.
Tell me that we belong together,
Dress it up with the trappings of love.
I'll be captivated,
I'll hang from your lips,
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above.

I'll be your crying shoulder,
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older,
I'll be the greatest fan of your life.

And rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed.
You're my survival, you're my living proof.
My love is alive and not dead.
Tell me that we belong together.
Dress it up with the trappings of love.
I'll be captivated,
I'll hang from your lips,
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above


And I've dropped out, I've burned up, I've fought my way back from the dead.
I've tuned in, turned on, remembered the things that you said

I'll be your crying shoulder,
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older,
I'll be the greatest fan of your...
I'll be your crying shoulder,
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older,
I'll be the greatest fan of your life.

The greatest fan of your life.
...greatest fan of your life.

p/s : okeylahh.kepala dah agak tingtong.mahu melelapkan mata.esok pagi-pagi nak kena menapak ke fakulti.ade kuiz pulak.tah ape jadi agaknya.hope a better day :)


  1. nescafe.
    kalau dia start rasa efek.
    mula lah rasa menyesal minum.
    sorang-sorang tengah pagi buta tak tahu nak buat apa.

    1. hee.selalu nescafe takde bg effect pun.
      tp semalam tah kenapa.
