hello peeps.
alhamdulillah, yesterday i got the opportunity to watched The Premiere Screening of Elysium.
thanks to miracikcit for giving me the free ticket.
Duration : 109 mins
Genre : action, drama
Release date : 22 august 2013
Rate : 6/10
The film, set in 2154, exist two classes of person, the very wealthy, who
live on space station called Elysium, and the poor in ruined Earth. The people of Earth are
desperate to escape the planet's crime and poverty, and they critically need medical care available on Elysium. Unluckily, there is a person, Secretary Delacourt(Jodie Foster)
in Elysium will do anything to prevent people of Earth immigrate, in order to
preserve their citizens' luxurious lifestyle. There is also some political issues happen in Elysium and from time to time, the secret revealed. Meanwhile, Max Da Costa(Matt Damon) who in desperate need to get to
Elysium for saving his life, receive a dangerous mission in order to get into spaceship. But unconciously, he get important data which can save millions of people on earth but need to compete with some people who want to rule the Elysium first even if he could not save his own life.
i would say the movie is quite good for who like action movie. but the story develop to slow at the beginning. i feel a bit bored for half an hour because they tried to get audience understand about the life differences between Earth and Elysium. Then the story develop and i can feel the tense. Overall, it is a typical storyline where people try to life in better place but there is some obstacle they must get through. and at the end, a hero will appear to save all people on Earth. But there is also something in that movie where you will be amazed if its truly exist.
footnote: we see people live perfectly, but we must know they feel just the same when they see us.
nuffnang here
anda SEMUA:)
Thursday, August 22, 2013
happy 22nd birthday :)
With each year I'll
love you more. InsyaAllah.
Your best years are still ahead of you and
I'll be there for every up down and in between.
I know it had been hard for us these few days and i am sorry if i do anything wrong or i let you down. have a blast ! may Allah bless you and make your life more wonderful each day.
every day is a new beginning for us. may every bad thing happened before become a good lesson and experience for us. and may every differences in ourselves make us closer.
You are the gift in my life, so, I give you my gift of love.
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heart. |
footnote: still trying hard to understand each other. may Allah ease.
Monday, August 19, 2013
UTM cool bloggers.
hello UTM community. have you register as UTM blogger community?
check this out for more info --> i love UTM or register here and you will be listed as a certified UTM blogger.
and more more rewards such as:
check this out for more info --> i love UTM or register here and you will be listed as a certified UTM blogger.
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show the world how much you love UTM :) |
just grab the badge as shown in i love UTM page and put in your blog. follow by fill up registration form and you will receive 1 star badge
code to be put into your blog.This badge is rewarded to you as a certified UTM blogger. Please read the rules and regulations before you register. as a reminder, Put I Love UTM badge on sidebar / header / footer only . and a BIG warning, no altering code allow even if you feel the badge is too big or whatever.
as you can see at my sidebar, i have received my 1 star badge as certified UTM blogger. and you also will be given the 'star rating badge' based on your blog performance.
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more badges~~ |
- UTM blogspot will follow and promote students/blogger blog
- Announced your blog to UTM facebook
- Give “Star Rating Badge” based on blogger performance
- Photoshoot session for top 10 active students/blogger [outdoor (around UTM campus) or indoor (studio) photoshoot]
- will receive printed certificate with UTM Vice Chancellor’s signature when achieved 5 star badge.
so, what are you waiting for? lets join us and establish UTM blogger communities.
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directories. |
ouh, a big thanks to sis IQ for introduce this community to me :)
footnote: more blogs to be discovered soon !
footnote: more blogs to be discovered soon !
Thursday, August 15, 2013
syawal with TYPO.
happy eid people !
alhamdulillah tahun nie dapat sambut raya dengan kawan-kawan. budak-budak yang sentiasa TYPO bila whatsapp.haha tahun lepas tak dapat nak beraya sesama sebab raya ketiga je dah mula kerja balik. tahun ni je disebabkan malas kerja, dapat la beraya sekali :)
dapat jugak beraya rumah cikgu-cikgu sekolah dulu. walaupun ramai yang aku tak kenal sebab tak sama sekolah rendah dengan diorang nie, tapi tak kesah laa kan. dapat jugak duit raya.hehe. bila kita dah besar mana pun. kita nie masih budak-budak di mata cikgu. sebab banyak lagi nak kena belajar.kan?
beruntungnya diorang sebab memasing dah sambung degree dekat shah alam. aku yang jauh. susah nak jumpa. tapi nak buat macam mana. aku suka duduk jauh-jauh.hehe. biar makin ramai kawan. jauh pemandangan, luas pengetahuan. hee
lepas penat seharian beraya ke satu kampung ke kampung yang lain, malam layan movie lak. tapi cuma aku, mira, azril n epin (si photographer yang susah ade dalam gambar) je pergi. yang lain dah collapse.haha. awalnya cuma nak keluar makan tapi ended up tengok movie sekali. THE SMURFS 2 ! not bad, kelakar jugak.
meet the new characters in the smurfs 2, vexy and hackus.
synopsys :" The Smurfs team up with their human friends to rescue Smurfette, who has
been kidnapped by Gargamel since she knows a secret spell that can turn
the evil sorcerer's newest creation - creatures called the Naughties -
into real Smurfs."
footnote : bila nak pergi broga nie.aihh =.='
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taken ! |
alhamdulillah tahun nie dapat sambut raya dengan kawan-kawan. budak-budak yang sentiasa TYPO bila whatsapp.haha tahun lepas tak dapat nak beraya sesama sebab raya ketiga je dah mula kerja balik. tahun ni je disebabkan malas kerja, dapat la beraya sekali :)
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la familia :) |
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mira cikcit. bestfriend since form 3. |
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azzim hudsson. matching kita aritu.haha |
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duit raya ehh >.< |
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adi. rapat sebab main tenis sama-sama. |
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azril. teman bergaduh. |
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banyak makan.tapi tak kenyang-kenyang. |
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rombongan bertambah orang. wee |
meet the new characters in the smurfs 2, vexy and hackus.
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hackus so adorable okey.hee |
footnote : bila nak pergi broga nie.aihh =.='
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
summer school 2013 | UTM-UTS | SS09
This intensive short course is designed to introduce the latest sustainable technologies used for agro-waste management especially towards the concept of zero waste and promotion of low carbon city scenario.
program ni sebenarnya sebelum mula puasa lagi.but yeah,i still want to update about it. :)
program ni melibatkan pelajar-pelajar dari Universiti Teknologi Sydney(UTS) dan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia(UTM) organized by Fakulti Kejuruteraan Kimia. kitorang wakil dari UTM sebenarnya cuma bantu student UTS nie masa diorang belajar kat sini tapi ended up kitorang pun kena belajar lak.mana taknye.kena datang kuliah,ikut pergi field trip.buat assignment.buat report. since kitorang tak dapat kredit apa-apa, mengelat jugak laa bila bab buat assignment.hahah
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my groupmates :) |
pengalaman yang mencabar bagi aku sebab masa mula-mula diorang sampai.tak sangka yang datang berlainan bangsa. ada cina,korea,jepun and of course australia,and etc. so,nak faham bahasa english diorang memang payah sikit untuk dua tiga hari.accent lain-lain. cakap laju pulak tu.memang terbelit jugak lidah.haha.tapi alhamdulillah.language not became a big problem though.
masalah yang pertama sekali jadi adalah pengangkutan. masalah ni sebenarnya memang jadi masalah selama dua minggu. aku rasa pejabat harta tanah UTM pun pening dengan kitorang sebab kejap-kejap tukar schedule. sampai nak call pakcik bas pun tak berani sebab asyik kena marah. Student UTS ni pulak setiap pagi mesti ade yg siap lambat. kitorang la kena dok tadah telinga dengar apa pakcik bas bebel.pfft. tapi alhamdulillah lagi, masuk second week adelah jugak perubahan.takyah dah kitorang nak ketuk bilik hotel memasing :) well done guys!
field trip keberapa tah.pergi tgk proses buat palm oil - maokil |
bagi aku, masa sesi pembelajaran, aku cuma suka ikut field trip je sebab takyah nak tercongok dalam dewan kuliah.haha. but aku rasa diorang lagi suka dengar kuliah sebab malaysia kan panas. diorang tak suka. ade sorang ni tanya aku camne aku boleh pakai all black waktu panas.huhu. suhu waktu summer negara diorang boleh jadi lagi tinggi dari malaysia tp waktu tu diorang akan stay dalam rumah je. btw, masa diorang datang malaysia, diorang taktau pun malaysia nie bukan negara empat musim. =.='
endau-rompin national park,selai |
miss this a lot. |
helloooo waterfall :D |
water tubing. |
waktu nie dekat endau-rompin national park. ohh man, rindu sangat tempat nie.banyak aktiviti kitorang buat dan paling penting makteh masak sedap. tak pernah lapar dalam hutan tu.nasib baik masa tu tak puasa lagi.heh ;) dan yang paling penting jugak, dapat lepas gian hiking walaupun trek pendek je.haha. at least dapat tengok air terjun. pity khai tak dapat join masa nie sebab kena patah balik u teman orang sakit.
masuk second week banyak kuliah je sebab first week dah banyak jalan kan. so,boleh laa relax-relax sikit walaupun pergi kuliah tak paham apa. kalau tengok cara student UTS ni dalam kuliah, mesti impressed je. kadang-kadang usha diorang tengah main game la,online laa tapi bila lecture tanya ade soalan tak, mesti diorang tanya. terbukti laa jugak diorang dengar dan paham ape lecture ajar. tak macam malaysian student. aku bukan nak kutuk tapi kenyataan kan.termasuk laa aku sendiri. depan kata paham,belakang hampeh. hahah
farewell dinner. |
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berjalan sampai legoland >.< |
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1st day of ramadhan. berbuka di perantauan. haha. nie dekat court basketball K9. |
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certificates and souvenirs. |
footnote : nak pergi broga laa :)
Saturday, August 10, 2013
gathering,iftar & happy eid!
iftar? ahah,old story people. keep reading if you want to :) alhamdulillah, at the end of ramadhan, i managed to gather with my friends for iftar. itupun havoc dekat whatsapp buat plan =.=' problem did came up bila main serbu je mana-mana tempat makan bila dah dekat buka. we didnt get seats for iftar. but they still insisted to ate at NANDO'S as we planned before. so, we waited after 8pm. itupun sampai pening waiter setting tempat utk kami >.<
happy faces when stomach already full :D
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memories.instant pictures by me |
tengok midnight.seat paling depan.bagus budak-budak nie =.=' nasib baik takde mimpi cam orang tu.huu
i dont want to review about this movie nor comment. watch by yourself okey!
gather with my best buddies always be an exciting moment.things that we do and share back then, will always remained as memories.insyaAllah. :)
by the way, i think it's not too late to wish you guys HAPPY EID ! forgive my wrongdoing throughout this years. may Allah bless upon us.ameen
footnote : i owe a post about my summer school isn't it? will try to update it soon ! xoxo
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