end of sem 1 at kmm..;)
pspm sangat teruk!hanya berdoa..huhu
arini bleq uma.rase sakit pinggang gler..
mne tak en..nek ktm dr seremban n exchange ktm kt kl sentral,trun klang.
aduhh..mmg nk patah pinggang..
sambung lak nek bas bleq telOk pnglima grg..huhu
sakit otak!;D
but then..sangat2 hepi coz die datang uma..
thnx dear..;)
rase berbaloi saya baleq..even awk sakit,sggup awk datang.
tp sy sdey tgk strong dear.plizz:(
i love you...
nuffnang here
anda SEMUA:)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
congrats c's!!
first of all.CONGRATULATION c's.
ahernyer kau da graduate..huhu
arini g tgk akak aku.atne eh? dewan seri negeri kot..aku rse la.
yg penting kt melaka..huhu.
majlis konvokesyen ke 8 KYM INTERNATIONAL..
agak bosan ea tgk owg graduate..baru aku paham perasaan owg2 yg tgk kteowg graduate kt mrsm dlu,..hoho
n ouh!aku rndu lak mse aku graduate dlu.walaupun da setahun berlalu.hee
malas nk tulis pnjg2 nie.tgk2 la gmba yg aku smpt amek nie...;)
Friday, October 22, 2010
mcm gler la aku jawab td en..
da worst answer i evr give.
walaupun paper len pun agk susah,
bole jgak la aku
nk kate susah sangat,xde kot.
tah,,salah aku sndiri kot study maen2.
kalu budak2 yang gempak pun kate susah.
apatah lagi aku nie?huh.hampeh!
sakit jiwa tol..
naseb bek xmenangis jwb paper tu..;(
now,only praying 4 last paper..PHYSICS 1.
tolg la soalan ok2 je.amin~
skunk hnye menghitung ari nk baleq je.huhu
dear,baleq nie bole x saya nk nangis depan awk??huhu
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Never feared for anything.
Never shamed but never free.
A light that healed a broken heart with all that it could
Lived a life so endlessly.
Saw beyond what others see.
I tried to heal your broken heart with all that I could
Will you stay?
Will you stay away forever?
How do I live without the ones I love?
Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned.
Place and time always on my mind.
I have so much to say but you're so far away.
Plans of what our futures hold
Foolish lies of growin' old
It seems we're so invincible, the truth is so cold.
A final song, a last request
A perfect chapter laid to rest
Now and then I try to find a place in my mind
Where you can say,
You can stay awake forever.
How do I live without the ones I love?
Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned.
Place and time always on my mind.
I have so much to say but you're so far away.
Sleep tight, I'm not afraid.
The ones that we love are here with me.
Lay away a place for me
'Cause as soon as I'm done, I'll be on my way
To live on eternally.
How do I live without the ones I love?
Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned
Place and time always on my mind
And the light you left remains but it's so hard to stay
When I had so much to say and you're so far away.
I love you
You were ready
The pain is strong and urges rise
But I'll see you
When it lets me
Your pain is gone, your hands untied.
So far away.
I need you to know
So far away
And I need you to,
Need you to know...
Never feared for anything.
Never shamed but never free.
A light that healed a broken heart with all that it could
Lived a life so endlessly.
Saw beyond what others see.
I tried to heal your broken heart with all that I could
Will you stay?
Will you stay away forever?
How do I live without the ones I love?
Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned.
Place and time always on my mind.
I have so much to say but you're so far away.
Plans of what our futures hold
Foolish lies of growin' old
It seems we're so invincible, the truth is so cold.
A final song, a last request
A perfect chapter laid to rest
Now and then I try to find a place in my mind
Where you can say,
You can stay awake forever.
How do I live without the ones I love?
Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned.
Place and time always on my mind.
I have so much to say but you're so far away.
Sleep tight, I'm not afraid.
The ones that we love are here with me.
Lay away a place for me
'Cause as soon as I'm done, I'll be on my way
To live on eternally.
How do I live without the ones I love?
Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned
Place and time always on my mind
And the light you left remains but it's so hard to stay
When I had so much to say and you're so far away.
I love you
You were ready
The pain is strong and urges rise
But I'll see you
When it lets me
Your pain is gone, your hands untied.
So far away.
I need you to know
So far away
And I need you to,
Need you to know...
Thursday, October 14, 2010

soalan die lbey kurang if you are given an oppurtunity to learn skill for free of charge?
candidate A: blaja men alat muzik
candidate B: blaja bahasa asing
candidate C: blaja utk set up bisnes
candidate D: blaja driving
disebabkan ade pertambahan budak,kteorg terpakse wat 3 orang.xde la cndidte D.
agak blur r ngn topic aku da wat yg terbaek kot..;D
bile kuar je blik discussion tuh,kteorg pakat sume abeh kt situ..xnk cite2 lagi da.huhu
bak kata pepatah..let bygone be bygone..kan3?
hmm.juz wait n see da result..lgpun exam muet xabeh lg.will trying my best utk paper reading,writing n listening..;)wish me luck guys...
ohh2,tidak lupa pada exam PSPM yang bakal tiba.selamat datang.huhu
giler ah..xready lagi nie.sume subjek xabeh cover..tido je keje aku yakin ngn dri aku.
xbOle pk bkn2 nie..nnt sume hal xjd en...;)
p/s: sayang,semoga cepat sembuh...:)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
da most precious...
semalam rOomate ku berkata2..ok oh!kau ade ayah yang sgt sporting...haha.thumbs up!
aku pun xingt camne ley cite pasal ayh kan..rindu kot.hOmesick!hhaha..
tp ble difikirkn dek logik akal aku nie..aku mmg sgt berbangga mempunyai ayah yg sgt2 sporting..huhu
die tu sgt berharga tau.macam ayah korg gak la...sape xsyg ayh.angkat kaki!!haha..tipu la korg xsyg ayah sndri...kalu xde die..camne kite nk wujud kt dunia nie..kn3?so,,kite msti appreciate ayah kite dong...
lg satu,,ayah kau ngn aku laen weyh..kite kne time jela camne pun ayah kite.
mgkin ade bnde yang best pasal die yang kite xsedar...
cube kau pejam mate pastu fikir lelame..msti ko dapat rse ape yang bez pasal ayah kau!
da pejam2 mate tu,jgn TDO lak!sengal...hahah
sometimes,ayah yg senyap tu sbnr'e lg sayang kite tau2..
daddy,,i miss u la....;)
aku pun xingt camne ley cite pasal ayh kan..rindu kot.hOmesick!hhaha..
tp ble difikirkn dek logik akal aku nie..aku mmg sgt berbangga mempunyai ayah yg sgt2 sporting..huhu
die tu sgt berharga tau.macam ayah korg gak la...sape xsyg ayh.angkat kaki!!haha..tipu la korg xsyg ayah sndri...kalu xde die..camne kite nk wujud kt dunia nie..kn3?so,,kite msti appreciate ayah kite dong...
lg satu,,ayah kau ngn aku laen weyh..kite kne time jela camne pun ayah kite.
mgkin ade bnde yang best pasal die yang kite xsedar...
cube kau pejam mate pastu fikir lelame..msti ko dapat rse ape yang bez pasal ayah kau!
da pejam2 mate tu,jgn TDO lak!sengal...hahah
sometimes,ayah yg senyap tu sbnr'e lg sayang kite tau2..
gambar diatas hanya rekaan semata2..huhu
jap aku fikir..pernah ke aku men layang2 ngn ayah aku??
aku rase xkot..maen kete cOntrol pnah la..haha
hmm,,da sebulan lebih nie xjmpe ayah aku..huhudaddy,,i miss u la....;)
Monday, October 11, 2010
juz around da corner..

keep on focusing on what you do..
don't let something or someone else disturb it..
believe that,u'll get what u want..;)
even there's a lot of problems to be face!
you are nothing..
you only an EXAMINATION!
of course i can go through you...;))
p/s: to all KMM students...;)wishing you guys gudluck!
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